How to Improve Google Rankings with a Strategic Content Marketing?

How to Improve Google Rankings with a Strategic Content Marketing?-feature image
Reviewed By: Chandan Singh  | 

Content marketing in today’s times has become the tool to leave your readers with some insightful content and encourage them to complete their purchase from you.

What is Content Marketing in Digital Marketing?

Content marketing if used sensibly content marketing can manage your SEO strategies and increase your Google rankings. However, not many businesses are yet aware of the important position it holds and here we give you 5 content marketing strategies which increase your Google rankings.

Top 5 Content Marketing Strategies to Increase your Google Ranking

  • Regularly creating fresh content
  • Modify the present content
  • Work on the headlines
  • Visual Content
  • Link-worthy content marketing

1. Regularly Creating Fresh and Engaging Content

Once you have set up your blog you must remember to keep updating on a steady basis. This needs to be done using proper Keyword insertion and keeping the tastes of the audience in mind.

In fact, churning fresh content is another tip using which Google manages the rankings of any page. This just does not include new blog posts; you can also make updates to existing content, add new pages, and increase the number of links the page is joined to get the required results.

SEO Outreachers can help you brew fresh content for your blog and thus make a foray into the minds of the customers you are looking at.

2. Regular Content Editing

You might have some old content that is informative and has got you loads of traffic in the past. In such cases, you should never ignore the content and use methods to repurpose it for further use.

By doing that you get to save the time you would otherwise spend on thinking and formatting new content. Here are some types of content you can change the existing content to and get better views.

  • Infographics
  • Lists
  • How-to posts
  • Videos
  • Guides
  • Podcasts
  • E-books

After incorporating the same you must also analyze which of these methods is the most effective and then work further on getting more such content.

3. Write Powerful Content Headlines

When a reader first checks on the content it is usually on the basis of the headline that you have added. A headline needs to be attractive, relevant and action-oriented. Without hampering the flow of the title use keywords so that only the required traffic comes to your web page.

A click-worthy headline would entice the reader to proceed further and maybe even establish a further relationship with you by making a purchase. You may even use a headline analyzing tool to find the efficacy of the one that you are incorporating.

4. Visual Content Marketing

By visual content, we mean using images, videos, infographics, etc. to make your blog interesting for the reader to move ahead. Generally, for any reader processing, an image happens faster than any regular content.

If you are careful with the choice your game has been won even before the reader passes through the whole content. However, search crawlers are unable to read images and for better rankings, you should use the following tricks.

  • Use a relevant image title as in something related to the topic in question.
  • Mention alt tags and ensure that they are descriptive enough.
  • Image size should be moderate as large ones take time to load and thus hamper your page speed as well.

5. Link Worthy Content Marketing

By link building, you are targeting your content to a larger audience and thus increasing web pages’ visibility and authority. It would also increase your search traffic because if your content is worthy enough to be linked to multiple websites then it deserves attention.

Associate with high authority websites as they get more followers and are much more impactful when it comes to provoking people to reach out to you. Use a link-building strategy that encourages other sources to feature your content and get you more eyeballs as required.


It is obvious that for a better impact your content needs to provide value to the reader. However, that does not mean that you must ignore SEO totally. Use the above strategies to ensure that customers come to your website and proceed further to purchase. Obsessing over SEO is not required you just need to understand how it works to give your readers what they are looking for.

Published On: June 13, 2019

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