How Pharmaceutical Industry Can Benefit From ERP Software

How Pharmaceutical Industry Can Benefit From ERP Software-feature image

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most volatile industry as a lot of radical changes happen in the healthcare sector. And, to keep up with the constantly changing market trends, changes in healthcare, frightening global competition and strict regulatory requirements, the pharmaceutical companies need to be on their toes.

In addition, the growing demand for high-quality healthcare products at a competitive pricing is forcing pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors to search for solutions so as to reduce cost, improve efficiency, and streamline operations.

Pharma ERP software is the solution to all these problems. This software acts like the central nervous system by integrating and interconnecting all business processes. This software facilitates syncing of all departments, smooth functioning of businesses and transparency in operation.

Benefits of ERP Software for Pharmaceutical Industry

Let’s take a look at how a pharmaceutical manufacturer and distributor can benefit from the ERP software:

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  • Inventory Management

One of the most important as well as the difficult aspects of Pharma companies is managing the inventory. It involves a lot of resources to manage the inventory efficiently. The ERP software helps monitoring inventory management and control wastage of material. It detects material required for production, settles inventory balances, creates inventory reports and sets targets.

  • Distribution Management

The manufactured products need to be distributed through different channels across a nation. Manual tracking of the entire distribution management process is quite taxing and human error is inevitable. This is where the ERP software comes into play. This software comes with a feature – batch and lot tracking. This feature helps in monitoring batches from the time material is requested till the end-product is delivered.

  • Production Management

Another very important aspect is the production of various pharmaceutical products. Keeping a check on the quality of products to maintaining the machinery, production involves a lot of aspects. This software comes with a feature that helps in managing production, planning, responding to various changes and tracking products via batches.

Over time, considering the volatile scenario of the pharmaceutical industry, ERP software has become essential. It not only helps in managing production, inventory, and distribution but also helps in managing various other operations of a pharmaceutical company.

CBO aka Control Business Online offers one of the best ERP software for manufacturers and distributors of pharmaceuticals. Their product has six modules that help manage distribution, production/manufacture, finance, online net reporting, mobile and tablet, and Online HR payroll. Their software ensures simplification of operations and boosting of productivity, which as a result will enhance profit generation.

CBO’s pharmaceutical ERP software will enable users to adhere to all the safety and regulatory requirements, meet deadlines and track products through batch numbers or lot numbers. This software has a robust architecture, industry specific functionalities, and above all it is user-friendly, making it one of the best ERP software for pharmaceutical industry.

Published On: September 7, 2017

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