Essential Features of Lead Management Software

Essential Features of Lead Management Software-feature image

For any marketer, contacting a lead is the first step to turning him into a prospect and then converting him into a customer. In today’s digital age, India is rapidly becoming a hub for e-Commerce businesses.

Global giants such as Amazon have identified the Indian e-market as one of their key target markets to invest and expand in.

According to comScore and SimilarWeb, is the most visited website on desktops and mobiles in India. As per App Annie,’s app is the most downloaded shopping app in the country. Now why is this data relevant, you may ask?

Amazon is excellent at lead generation. They map consumer behaviour using a high degree of personalization to accentuate the chances of future repeat sales.

Amazon also generates leads based on your shopping and product viewing history, suggesting assorted products tailored to your tastes and needs. Plus, using your customer’s previous purchase history can help generate future sales.

Consumers these days pounce on whichever store or brand offers the best deal, making it more difficult for eCommerce businesses to hold on to their customers.

Managing every lead is difficult since customers are prone to distraction and converting your leads to potential or loyal customers at the right time is important. Thus, opting for a lead management software for business is a smart way of managing your potential customers and the different leads.

But, with so many sales lead software out there in the market, making the right choice is difficult. Besides, it is important to understand that every business has their own needs and hence, should choose a software that is capable of meeting your business needs.

What is Lead Management Software?

Lead Management Software specifically designed for all vendors, which makes the process of managing and lead conversion easy & convenient. To convert a lead into deal, you need to secure a proper Lead management system for your business unit.

Major Lead Management System Features

To help you choose the right lead management software, we have enumerated a list of features that you should look for.

  • Real-time lead prioritization

You must be aware of the different types of leads – hot, warm and cold. Your sales team is often inundated with to-do lists, which is usually a mile long. This list includes answering phone calls, sending follow-up emails, interacting with potential customers, the list goes on and on.

By prioritizing the leads and working accordingly will help in saving a lot of time. But, the question which arises here is how to prioritize these leads? This is where a sales lead software comes into play.

A good software offers real-time lead prioritization, which will help you strategize the course of action and enable you to convert leads into potential customers and potential customers to qualified customers, while saving a lot of time.

  • Cloud-based interface

What if your system breaks down suddenly? Or what if your system is hacked? Or suppose a situation wherein you are travelling and you don’t have the system where the software is installed and need to check the leads? What will you do in such situations?

This is why, a software having cloud-based interface is better since you can access the data from any place, at any time and from any device that has an internet connection. In addition, you don’t have to install the software and your data remains safe in the cloud without facing the risk of data theft.

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  • Follow-up tracking

The follow-up process is extremely taxing and time-consuming, and is often missed, which may make you lose your potential customers who could have become your qualified customers.

Hence, you should opt for a software that comes with follow-up tracking feature. With this feature, you will never miss out on any lead that could become your future loyal customer.

  • Analyzing and Reporting

Be it any organization; small, medium or large, one of the most challenging tasks is generation and analysis of business reports. A good lead management software will reduce your burden by helping you keep a track of your business easily.

Starting from lead generation to conversion statistics and determining how much you should invest in marketing, this software is capable of doing everything; thus, easing your burden and letting you take smart and effective business decisions.

Suggested Read: Future of Sales Lead Management Software Solution


These are some of the must-have features that you should consider while buying a lead generation software for your business. However, there are several other features that need to be considered and one of the many is user-friendliness.

You should always opt for the one that is easy to use and understand, and consumes minimum time in executing the dedicated tasks.

Published On: October 23, 2017

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