
Best Serverless Computing Services in 2024

What are Serverless Computing Services?

Serverless computing services are cloud-based services that allow developers to build and run applications without managing servers. The infrastructure is automatically managed, enabling developers to focus solely on writing code at a faster pace, without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. Read Buyer’s Guideimg

Best Serverless Computing Services

(Showing 1 - 8 of 8 products)

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Azure Functions

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Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Functions

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Functions

Brand: Oracle


4.7 out of 5

(1 user reviews)

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Functions delivers a scalable and secure cloud platform, providing businesses with high-performance computing, storage, and net... Read More About Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Functions read review arrow

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Google Cloud Functions

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Amazon EventBridge

Amazon EventBridge

Brand: Amazon

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Amazon EventBridge simplifies serverless computing, enabling real-time event-driven applications that scale seamlessly in the AWS cloud.... Read More About Amazon EventBridge read review arrow

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AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda

Brand: Amazon

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Easily build and run code for various applications and backend services without the need to provision or manage servers.... Read More About AWS Lambda read review arrow

Price On Request

Serverless Computing Services Product List Top Banner - 1
Serverless Computing Services Product List Top Banner - 2
Function Compute

Function Compute

Brand: Alibaba

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Functions Compute provides a scalable cloud computing solution with automatic resource allocation, allowing developers to deploy and manage applications ef... Read More About Function Compute read review arrow

$20 /quantity

Netlify Functions

Netlify Functions

Brand: Netlify

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Netlify revolutionizes web development with its cloud computing software, providing seamless deployment, automatic scaling, and efficient content delivery.... Read More About Netlify Functions read review arrow

$19 /month

Cloudflare Workers

Cloudflare Workers

Brand: cloudflare

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Cloudflare Workers revolutionize web development with serverless computing, enabling developers to deploy code globally and scale effortlessly.... Read More About Cloudflare Workers read review arrow

$5 /month

Last Updated on : 25 Jan, 2024

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Best Serverless Computing Services FAQ’s

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Serverless computing shares similarities with Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). However, it differs in that serverless enables developers to create applications that automatically scale without the need to manage backend infrastructure or server resources.

Serverless computing in DevOps refers to a cloud computing approach where developers create and execute applications without directly managing underlying infrastructure. This model allows for streamlined application development and deployment by abstracting the complexities of server management from the developers' responsibilities within the DevOps framework.

Two notable serverless computing examples are AWS Lambda and Microsoft Azure Functions. These applications of serverless computing, provided by leading cloud providers, exemplify serverless computing models by enabling users to execute code without the need for managing server infrastructure explicitly.

Serverless architecture, also known as cloud computing serverless or Function as a Service (FaaS), refers to a software design pattern in which applications are hosted and executed by a third-party service provider. This approach eliminates the requirement for developers to manage server software and hardware, allowing them to focus solely on application development and functionality.

Serverless computing differs in how backend services are provided. While servers are still employed, the significant divergence lies in the billing method: a company utilizing serverless services is charged based on actual usage rather than a fixed allocation of bandwidth or a predetermined number of servers. This usage-based pricing model distinguishes serverless computing, allowing users to pay for the precise resources consumed rather than maintaining and paying for dedicated infrastructure, as in traditional server-centric models.

Serverless computing is adopted because it offloads the burden of managing servers and executing server code from organizations. Through this approach, vendors take charge of the underlying infrastructure necessary for running applications and programs. This frees organizations from the complexities of infrastructure management and enables them to focus more on application development and innovation rather than worrying about server setup, maintenance, and scalability.

Buyer's Guide for Top Serverless Computing Services

Found our list of Serverless Computing Services helpful? We’re here to help you make the right choice and automate your business processes. Let’s discover some of the essential factors that you must consider to make a smarter decision!

  • What is Serverless Computing?
  • Core Benefits of Serverless Computing
  • Difference Between Serverless Computing and Cloud Computing
  • Risks of Serverless Computing
  • What's Next for Serverless Computing?

What is Serverless Computing?

Serverless computing is a modern approach to providing backend services without the burden of managing the underlying infrastructure. It allows users to write and deploy code without concerning themselves with server management. Unlike traditional cloud computing where fixed server units are rented, cloud serverless computing operates on a 'pay-as-you-go' model.

Companies using serverless services are charged based on actual computation performed rather than a reserved amount of server space. This auto-scaling feature ensures efficient resource utilization, eliminating the need for over-purchasing server capacity, which was common in older cloud models.

In the past, building web applications necessitated owning physical hardware, which was costly and complex. Cloud computing revolutionized this by offering remote server rentals. However, concerns about over-purchasing server space persisted, leading to the introduction of auto-scaling models.

Although termed serverless, this computing method does involve physical servers. Yet, the burden of managing server space and infrastructure falls on the vendor, freeing developers from concerns related to servers.

Core Benefits of Serverless Computing

Serverless computing offers numerous benefits that range from cost savings to enhanced productivity and security. Some of the core benefits include;

  • Cost Efficiency in Serverless Computing: serverless computing architecture significantly reduces costs by eliminating the need for managing complex underlying cloud infrastructure and hardware. Users pay only for the resources they utilize, avoiding unnecessary expenses on unused services or licenses.
  • Simplified Scalability: With serverless architecture, developers are liberated from defining scaling policies. The cloud provider autonomously handles scaling, dynamically adjusting resources based on demand, ensuring seamless scalability without manual intervention.
  • Simplified Backend Code: Serverless computing helps developers to craft simplified backend code designed for specific tasks, like executing API calls. This streamlined approach speeds up development processes and simplifies ongoing maintenance.
  • Accelerated Time to Production: Adopting serverless architecture significantly lessens the duration needed to launch applications into the market. Unlike traditional methods involving complex processes, serverless development streamlines code deployment, allowing real-time modifications. The transition from conception to production is notably reduced, from months to mere days.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Serverless computing frees developers from laborious tasks like system setup and maintenance, allowing them to concentrate solely on coding and scaling applications, thus boosting overall productivity.
  • Heightened Security Measures: By enforcing constraints on code within a serverless context, developers are encouraged to adhere more closely to organizational best practices and security protocols. This focused approach ensures the creation of secure code, strengthening overall system security.

Backend Services You Will Get with Serverless Computing

Serverless computing services cover a range of backend offerings that simplify and optimize application development and deployment. These services, provided by serverless vendors, typically include;

  • Database Services: Serverless providers offer managed database services that relieve users from the burden of database administration. These services ensure scalable and highly available storage solutions, allowing developers to focus solely on application development without worrying about infrastructure maintenance.
  • Storage Solutions: Another key component in serverless offerings is storage services. These solutions provide scalable, secure, and durable storage for application data. Developers can use these storage options without the hassle of provisioning or managing physical storage resources.
  • Function-as-a-Service (FaaS): FaaS platforms help developers to execute code snippets without concerning themselves with underlying infrastructure. These services facilitate the execution of discrete functions at the network edge, promoting modularity and scalability within applications.
  • Network Edge Computing: One notable aspect of FaaS in serverless computing is its capability to perform computations at the edge of the network. This approach optimizes response times and reduces latency by executing code closer to end-users, enhancing overall application performance.
  • Modular Architecture and Scalability: Using FaaS in serverless computing allows developers to architect applications in a modular fashion. This modular design promotes scalability, enabling easier management and scaling of individual functions or components without the need for dedicated resource provisioning.

Difference Between Serverless Computing and Cloud Computing

Cloud computing and serverless computing offer distinct approaches to managing and accessing computing resources, each with its own set of advantages and applications. Here are some of the prominent differences between the two technologies;

  • Control Over Infrastructure and Configuration: Cloud computing gives users greater control over infrastructure and configurations. It suits businesses with complex needs or IT teams seeking more control over the underlying infrastructure. In contrast, serverless computing abstracts infrastructure management entirely by offering minimal control over the backend architecture to users.
  • Scalability and Resource Provisioning: Cloud computing involves provisioning fixed resources or instances that users manage and scale based on requirements. Serverless computing, however, offers a more granular and automatic scaling model, dynamically adjusting resources as needed without user intervention, thereby optimizing resource utilization.
  • Operational Management: In cloud computing, users are responsible for managing and maintaining their allocated resources, including security, updates, and server management. Conversely, serverless computing offloads most operational management responsibilities to the service provider, allowing developers to concentrate exclusively on writing and running code.
  • Cost-effectiveness and Billing Model: Both cloud computing and serverless computing aim for cost-effectiveness, but their billing models differ. Cloud computing typically involves paying for reserved instances or allocated resources, which can lead to unused capacity. On the contrary, serverless computing architecture adopts a pay-as-you-go approach, where users are billed solely for the resources they consume. This billing model minimizes wasted resources and potentially reduces costs for sporadic workloads.
  • Suitability for Workload Types: Cloud computing suits predictable workloads requiring constant resource allocation. In contrast, serverless computing excels for sporadic or event-driven workloads, allowing for efficient resource utilization by scaling resources precisely when needed, thus optimizing costs.

Elements of Serverless Computing

Serverless computing is composed of several integral elements that form the framework for developing and deploying applications. Following are some of the features of serverless computing;

  • Serverless Stacks: Serverless stacks amalgamate essential components for constructing serverless applications. They consist of the programming language used, the application framework providing structural support, and triggers that facilitate code execution on the platform.
  • Serverless Frameworks: Frameworks structure the code and guide developers in application development. Various options exist, including cross-platform models and open-source frameworks like the Serverless Application Model (SAM) by AWS, Apex, and Serverless, simplifying application development and deployment.
  • Serverless Databases: In serverless computing, code lacks persistent states, necessitating serverless databases. These databases interact with developers' functions, managing backups, maintenance, replication, and scaling without developers needing to handle these tasks directly.
  • Containers in Serverless Computing: Managed containers, such as those orchestrated by Kubernetes, underpin serverless technology. Serverless computing uses containerized microservices to harness their benefits while abstracting the complexities involved in managing them.
  • Serverless Offline Testing: Initiating serverless computing architecture might seem daunting initially, but features like AWS' SAM and serverless-offline allow developers to test their code locally, on their own hardware, without relying on cloud infrastructure. This offline testing capability facilitates easier development and debugging of serverless applications.

Risks of Serverless Computing

Serverless computing, while offering flexibility and scalability, introduces specific risks and challenges for organizations. The risks may include;

  • Challenges in Security Management: The distributed nature of serverless architecture complicates security measures. Traditional security approaches struggle to adapt, leading to potential vulnerabilities. Securing serverless applications requires a shift in focus towards safeguarding individual functions, characterized by their event-driven and loosely connected nature, rather than securing the entire application as a unified entity.
  • Visibility and Development Pace: Developers often lead in serverless environments, potentially pushing applications into production before comprehensive review by security teams. At times, the swift development pace might overlook security aspects, exposing applications to potential code-based risks such as cross-site scripting (XSS), remote command execution, and SQL injection.
  • Data Security and Compliance Risks: The stateless and serverless nature of data storage in serverless computing introduces security and compliance challenges. Data cached within serverless functions poses risks of leakage during transportation to external locations, raising concerns about data security and compliance with regulatory standards.

What's Next for Serverless Computing?

Serverless computing stands as a valuable option for organizations, offering simplicity and flexibility for developing custom application functionalities. However, it's crucial not to view serverless as the sole solution but instead consider its selective and contextual application.

The growth of serverless computing is notable across various sectors. In telecommunications and information technology, there's a significant rise due to the increased demand for media and digital content.

Moreover, the financial sector benefits from cloud serverless computing to deliver scalable real-time applications, projecting a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) surpassing 25%. Additionally, the widespread usage of the Internet of Things (IoT) propels demand for serverless infrastructures, particularly in North America, where it's anticipated to capture 45% of the market by 2026.

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